After Effects ExtendScript Training: Ep. 4

April 28th 2012 08:00:59am

In this episode:

  • After Effects Object Model structure overview
  • Script Preparation and development tips
  • Single Item Access of various project items, comps and layers

Welcome to episode 4 of the After Effects ExtendScript Training series. This week we will be diving into the After effects Object Model structure learning the order in how we can access After Effects via ExtendScript. I’ll also go over some helpful tips on preparing your script writing setup, like setting up shortcut keys for your scripts as well as creating a temp file to do your script developing in.

This episode will also start getting you familiar with the After Effects CS6 Scripting Guide PDF (green button to the right).

UPDATE: 4/15/2020 It is recommended to now use the AEnhancers After Effects Scripting Guide as it is the most current resource. The Adobe version is outdated and does not include newer bits of code that have been added. Both are valuable resources if you use old and new version of After Effects.

Finally in this series I will begin accessing After Effects via ExtendScript and show you how to retrieve various information from individual project assets, comps, and layers. So let’s hop right on in and get started.

Checkout more:
Expression Shorts Swinging Motion Part 1
X-Particles Self-feeding Particle System
After Effects ExtendScript Training: Ep. 17 Part 1
X-Particles Water Bubble Tank
After Effects ExtendScript Training: Ep. 17 Part 2