After Effects ExtendScript Training: Ep. 11

June 23rd 2012 08:00:24am

In this episode:

  • Build a floating panel that contains these GUI elements: group, button, checkbox, radiobutton, dropdownlist, progressbar, iconbutton, image, statictext, edittext, slider, scrollbar, panel, tabbedpanel, tab, listbox, treeview, node, and item

Welcome to episode 11 of the After Effects ExtendScript Training series. This week we are finally building a GUI (Graphic User Interface). I will show you how to create nearly every, if not every, GUI element ExtendScript offers. So if you were looking to create a floating window panel that has groups, buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists, progress bars, icon buttons, images, static text, edit text boxes, sliders, scroll bars, panels with names, tabbed panels with multiple tabs, listbox lists, listbox lists with multiple columns, or tree view lists, then this video is for you.

AFTER EFFECTS CC NOTE: This series was recorded before After Effects CC was released. In After Effects CC, Adobe updated the ScriptUI for ExtendScript, so some of the information in this tutorial may not work in After Effects CC. This tutorial was made using After Effects CS6 and the code explained should be compatible with CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5 and CS6. Odds are that it is still compatible unless Adobe decides to depreciate any object or remove the ExtendScript language all-together at some point.

For those that are interested in the resource string way of building a GUI and are looking to make dockable scripts. I will be explaining all that next week. I chose to split this section up as it is very detailed and immense in it’s information. The dockable, resource string version I recorded will be a double episode due to all of the code involved. So those two videos will be posted next week. In the meantime we still have a lot to cover in this video so let’s dive on in.

Checkout more:
X-Particles Liquid Streaks
Houdini | FFX Collection
After Effects ExtendScript Training: Ep. 18 Part 3
After Effects ExtendScript Training: Complete Series
Relative Paths with X-Particles Caches