Houdini | Loops

November 19th 2022 08:00:04am

Learn how to use Houdini For, For-Each, While, and Do/While loop systems to generate a variety of effects, and handle utility tasks. Loops allow you to repeatedly apply your node stream processes in a variety of ways. This recorded class will teach you lots of ways to use loops in SOPs, VOPs, and VEX, as well as COPs and LOPs. The class will include examples involving particle wedging, geometry manipulation, RBD sub-fracturing, Time offsetting copies, and so much more.

At the end of this course, you should walk away with a more clear understanding of which loops to use for your build task needs, as well as how to set up the nodes properly to keep your workflow efficient and functional.

Session synopsis

Class Syllabus

Session 1 | SOPs Part 1
Get an overview of the course, and dive into SOPs Block Begin and Block End functionality, then learn how to make a detailed particle sim, and randomizing poly extrusions of a surface.

    SOPs Part 1

  • Introduction
  • Breakdown of Block Begin and Block End concepts
  • Basic implementation
  • Particle wedging
  • Randomizing poly extrusion

Session 2 | SOPs Part 2

Learn how to time offset Alembic file copies, slicing up geometry, SciFi vector graphics inspired animation, convert attribute to UV patches, sub fracture RBD pieces, geometry animation, utility task of limiting geo subdivision in a batch process.

    SOPs Part 2

  • Slicing up geometry
  • Vector graphics inspired geometry animation
  • Convert geo-named segments to UV patches
  • Sub fracture RBD fracture pieces
  • Time offset Alembics and native geo animation
  • Stop condition with batch geo subdivision
  • Generate unique abstract art

Session 3 | VOPs

VOPs Block Begin and Block End feature breakdown. You will also learn how to make a bokeh feeling pattern, displacing geo via particles, basic particle portals, use a VOP generator in COPs to make displacement texture, custom noise-based SciFi surface, and a bonus LOPNet light array generation.


  • VOPs Block Begin and Block End Functionality
  • Bokeh style pattern on geo
  • Displace geo via POPNet
  • Basic particle portal
  • COPs Vop Generator texture for displacement
  • COPs Vop Generator custom SciFi noise pattern
  • Bonus build: LOPNet light array generation

Session 4 | VEX

VEX presentation breaking down each code-based loop option. Then you will learn how to create curves along a surface, cycle through points to make a geometric pattern, geo disintegration in a vector graphics style, choose a node path based on attribute existence, generate a transition zone particle effect, and drive curve-creation based on point density.


  • VEX code loop breakdowns
  • Surface curves abstract art
  • Geometric pattern
  • Vector graphics style geo disintegration
  • Choose node stream if the attribute exists
  • Transition zone particle effect
  • Connect point cloud sequentially
  • Density-driven curve creation
Checkout more:
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